Public Speaking

 English for Public Speaking

 Fundamental Program

Billionaire Warren Buffet once said in a seminar to business students at Columbia University in 2009: “You can increase your value by 50 percent just by learning a communication skill – Public Speaking.

Very reasonable. By being proficient in public speaking, you can easily express all your creative ideas and genius through an attractive presentation in front of your audience!

The good news is, public speaking is not about talent or character. This skill can be mastered by anyone who has normal speech-forming organs, if trained using the right scientific foundation and the right techniques. And it becomes easier and faster to master when trained/accompanied by an experienced trainer or coach.

1. General Check Up

Check Up is a program to measure the level of communication skills (interpersonal skills, group, and public speaking.

OUTCOME: Participants know the character of their communication, aspects that are advantages, and those that still need to be developed.

TARGET PARTICIPANTS: Anyone who wants to measure their level of public speaking and oral communication skills.

2. Speak with Confidence

Speak with Confidence is a fundamental program for those who are not used to speaking in front of groups or the public.

OUTCOME: Participants have high self-confidence and are comfortable speaking in front of a group or public.

TARGET PARTICIPANTS: Anyone who wants to get rid of nervousness and increase self-confidence.

3. Eloquent Speaking

Eloquent Speaking is a session to practice speaking fluency using the classic NLP and Public Speaking approaches.

OUTCOME: Participants are able to convey their thoughts in a coherent and fluent spoken message and comply with the rules of sentence structure.

TARGET PARTICIPANTS: Anyone who wants to speak coherently and fluently with a good choice of words.

4. Impromptu Speaking

Impromptu Speaking is a program to develop your ability to give spontaneous short speeches while still being systematic and interesting.

OUTCOME: Participants have high self-confidence and are comfortable speaking in front of a group or public.

TARGET PARTICIPANTS: Anyone who wants to be skilled at speaking spontaneously in front of many people.

5. Professional Image

Sessions to improve professional image in the aspects of visual (appearance), vocal and verbal intelligence. Focus on learning elements of communication.

OUTCOME: Participants are able to present themselves and speak in various forums smoothly and elegantly.

TARGET PARTICIPANTS: Anyone who wants to be more ‘visible’ and respected in public forums.


Our online learning platform (with complete materials and videos) can be accessed at any time according to the student’s schedule.

Courses can be Reguler & Intensive Class, Private Coaching or In House Training (customized and in Client’s location) and you can choose to join  Offline (in TimO Institut location) or Online (via Zoom). 

We provide competent, fun and friendly teachers, with fun learning methods.

Please contact TimO Institut to get information regarding the available schedule.